Greetings Parents and Athletes,
Now that the winter sports season is winding down, we know that during vacation week thoughts start thinking about summer. We are about 20 weeks away from the start of our Summer Training Programs. Time passes very quickly, and we wanted to send out a reminder to register for our Summer 2025 programs. This will be our 10th year hosting the XC Project, 4th year for the Speed Project, and 3rd year for Sidney's Rainbow Runners.
This is the 10th year for the XC Project, and we have an exciting summer of workouts and fun activities planned. Nike will be on hand once again and will sponsor our Camper of the week program. Last fall was one of the largest in participation in the state of Massachusetts for both genders. Three of our coaches have been involved all 10 years.
The Speed Project has been extremely successful. Designed for those athletes looking to gain an advantage for the fall sports season, as well as the Indoor/Outdoor Track sprinters and jumpers looking to maintain and improve their fitness and technique. Additional information can be found on the website listed below. We have coaches designated specifically for the Speed Project. Sessions are held at the same time and site as the XC Project.
This is our 7th year partnering with the Merrimack Valley Striders running club, who are the host club for the immensely popular Feaster Five Thanksgiving Road Race. They provide us with a lot of the technical help and support from their well organized club. We provide them with our successful Training Programs to add to their very popular Spring Track Program. By enrolling in the XC Project Program you will automatically become an MVS HS club member.
We have completed our promotional video for coaches, parents and athletes to see highlights from the XC/Speed Project 2024 season
2024 Promotional Highlights
Take a look at some photos from the past years starting in 2016 and extending into last year. Can you pick out your favorite?
XC Project Slideshow
It is also posted on our website. This link Youth Coaching Programs will take you to the XC Project/Speed Project information and registration pages. Registration went live a week ago so make sure to reserve a place soon.
We encourage you to follow us both on Twitter @XC_Project and Instagram xcprojectma for our latest updates and information. We use both to highlight activities from our daily workouts, and to communicate with parents and athletes on schedules and recent innovations in our sport.
Good luck in the upcoming spring sports season. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We appreciate all those who have mentioned our programs to their friends, neighbors and teammates.
Best regards,
Coach Doyle
Director XC Project/Speed Project/Sidney's Rainbow Runners